We’re already a week into October and if you’re anything like us, you’ve been in the Halloween mindset for more than a month now...

To do our part and help get you boys and ghouls in the spirit we put together a Sunday sofa drinking game for a Nightmare on Elm St. We wanted to include something to pay tribute to the late, great Wes Craven, as he had a massive impact on all of us as both a horror fan and a filmmaker.

  1. Someone is running with undeniably bad form. You'll know it when you see it -- just picture an excited Kermit the Frog.
  2. You see some CLAW CONTACT. Claw contact doesn't just mean someone's getting clawed -- it can be any contact. Freddy just loves touching things with that claw! He must spend all of his down time re-sharpening those claws after dulling them on EVERYTHING. There's no WAY he's gonna cut a tomato with those after dragging them on a brick wall for 90 minutes straight.
  3. You spot dream magic! Dream magic is when you wake up from a dream and there's evidence that it may not have been a dream -- like a clawed shirt. Or, in my case, like that time I cross-buzzed, peed the bed, then ran out of that girl's house before she woke up.
  4. Let your inner Carlton play a little and take a sip whenever you see an awesome sweater vest.
  5. Freddy is happy. I mean, he's mainly happy when he's mutilating himself, but whatever floats your boat, right? We're with you, Freddy! Here's to feeling good all the time.
  6. Someone utters the word "nightmare." Yeah, it's a pretty obvious rule, but come on -- we gotta drink to something, right? And let's be serious -- nobody wants to drink to that phone tongue. That's just nasty.
  1. Take a twitterpated sip of your drink whenever you see that dreamy Johnny Depp. Do you see what I did there? Dreamy? Oh man, I'm sure Freddy is not gonna like that I'm having so much fun -- do you guys happen to have any coffee or trucker pills? This is gonna be a long night.
  2. Take a sensual sip whenever you get distracted by that hot, drunk mom. So what you're saying is that none of Nancy's bad boyfriends ever tried to make some mistakes with drunk robe mom? Wait a second -- now you're telling me porno isn't real life? WAIT A SECOND -- NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET ISN'T REAL LIFE EITHER??!!
  3. Chug from a homemade contraption when Nancy channels her inner Kevin McCallister and goes full Home Alone with her house. What the hell were you thinking, Nancy? You know your drunk mom is just gonna stumble into a hilariously rigged sledgehammer!