Easter Sunday/End of the World DRINKING GAME: Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Greetings dear readers, it’s the weekend again. That can mean only one thing: popping a kick-ass film and getting woefully shitfaced. This week it’s the 2004 Edgar Wright masterpiece Shaun of the Dead.

Rules from our pals over at Drinking Cinema below!

Mandatory Drinks

Drink whenever:

  1. Someone mentions the Winchester. Romantic night spot or the impenetrable fortress? Why not both!

  2. An everyday household item is used as a weapon!

  3. Shaun takes a sip of beer.

  4. You recognize a zombie from earlier in the movie. Drink twice they’re doing the exact same thing as they were pre-zombie!

  5. A new plan gets strategized. “and wait for aaaall this to blow over.”

  6. A zombie gets killed (again). Remember, you can only kill a zombie by removing the head or destroying the brain. However, if you remove the legs you at least slow ‘em down.

  7. There’s a jump-cut. If you don’t know what a jump cut is here you go. If you DO know what it is, don’t be all smug about it.

Bonus Drinks:

  1. ELECTRO-CHUG! Waterfall for Electro!

  2. ”Helloooo…” Take a little sip whenever you hear Liz’s phone voice (and take another sip for Shaun’s imitation).

  3. If you own an album by one of the artists in Shaun’s collection, FINISH YOUR BEER! Don’t deny you love Sade.

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